Defend Train our Comprehensive Training Solution

Maintaining robust cybersecurity is crucial in today’s digital age. As cyber threats become more sophisticated, continuous cyber awareness training for employees is essential.

Training employees to be vigilant can be the most significant and cost-effective improvement in a company’s cybersecurity defence.

Defend Train offers a comprehensive solution designed to enhance your organisation’s cybersecurity through ongoing, personalised training programs. 

Here’s a closer look at DEFEND Train’s standout features:

Effortless Deployment

DEFEND Train’s 100% cloud-based platform eliminates the need for installation, allowing for swift and easy deployment. With user-friendly configuration options, your organisation can immediately start benefiting from enhanced cybersecurity training.

Streamlined Training Automation

Automate routine administrative tasks to save time and effort. DEFEND Train manages training schedules, user enrolments, and progress tracking, freeing you to focus on strategic initiatives.

Detailed Risk Profiling

DEFEND Train identifies each user’s weakest security areas through a brief gap analysis questionnaire and creates a unique risk profile. This detailed understanding enables the effective addressing of specific vulnerabilities.

“In their 2024 Cyber Security Breaches Survey, the NCSC found that 90% of businesses and 94% of charities that experienced cybercrime reported phishing as the attack vector.”

Focused Risk Mitigation

DEFEND Train prioritises training courses based on user profiles, targeting and eliminating individual risk areas. Focusing on these vulnerabilities can significantly enhance your organisation’s security posture.

Comprehensive Progress Tracking

Monitor real-time performance across the organisation. DEFEND Train allows you to track company-wide risk scores and individual user progress. Weekly summary reports provide managers with valuable insights for continuous improvement.

Compliance Made Easy
Showcase your compliance efforts effortlessly with DEFEND Train’s robust tracking and reporting features. Measure training adoption, track course participation, and export custom reports to demonstrate user progress during audits.

Identifying Human Weaknesses

The initial gap analysis questionnaire is crucial for identifying human vulnerabilities. By assessing user risk areas and creating unique risk profiles, you establish a baseline for staff training and continuously measure progress.

Addressing Individual Risks

Personalised training programs are a core feature of DEFEND Train. Users are automatically enrolled in courses tailored to their specific risks, with high-risk areas receiving immediate attention. This ongoing, automated training ensures relevant and effective education for your employees.

Employee Progress Monitoring

Track how users are advancing with a comprehensive risk scoring system and detailed individual performance analysis. Automated summary reports keep managers informed about the organisation’s cybersecurity posture.

Simplifying Compliance Demonstration

DEFEND Train simplifies the process of demonstrating compliance. Track course participation, user grades, and employee risk scores, and export custom reports to provide concrete evidence of your training efforts during audits.


DEFEND Train – The All-In-One Solution for Cyber Awareness

DEFEND Train offers an extensive range of features to ensure effective and engaging training:

  • Interactive Video Learning: Short videos and interactive content help users retain information effectively.
  • Multilingual Support: Available in English, French, German, Dutch, and Chinese.
  • Micro-Learning Modules: Bite-sized, jargon-free courses keep users engaged.
  • Phishing Simulations: Launch attack simulations and instantly educate at-risk users.
  • Personalized Training Programs: Deliver training that targets each user’s unique risks.
  • Custom LMS: Build custom courses with an intuitive drag-and-drop Learning Management System.
  • Ready-Made Compliance Courses: Enrol users in pre-made compliance courses.
  • Flexible Training Styles: Choose between corporate-friendly and fun training styles to match your company culture.

DEFEND Train provides everything you need to enhance employee cyber awareness and protect your organisation from cyber threats. Start building a more secure future today.

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